Council for Affordable and Rural Housing

CARH represents the Affordable Housing Needs of Rural America

The Council for Affordable and Rural Housing (CARH) is a national non-profit trade organizationThe Council for Affordable and Rural Housing (CARH) is a national non-profit trade organization. Since 1980, CARH has served as the nation’s premier association for participants in the affordable rural housing profession, including: Builders, Owners, Developers, Managers, Non-profits, Housing Authorities, Syndicators, Accountants, Architects, Attorneys, Bankers, and companies that supply goods and services to the industry.

The Affordable Housing Association of Indiana (AHAIN) is a State Affiliated Association of the Council for Affordable and Rural Housing. CARH represents the views and concerns of its members before Congress and appropriate officials at the Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development (RD), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Department of Treasury, and before state housing finance agencies and other state and local agencies that focus on housing.

Members of the Affordable Housing Association of Indiana receive a membership discount when they join CARH.

For more information about joining CARH, visit the CARH website or contact the CARH office at 703-837-9001.

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